EMDR Intensives at Resilient Roads.

EMDR Intensive Overview: EMDR Intensive is a focused therapy for tough experiences and stress held over a weekend with several daily sessions. Proven to swiftly reduce symptoms.

Treatment Process:

  • Preparation: Initial online meeting to assess suitability.

  • Coordination: Plan collaboration and review.

  • Treatment: 4-5 daily sessions with breaks for self-care.


  • Efficient: Faster progress than regular sessions.

  • Convenient: Completed in 3-5 days.

  • Accessible: Shorter wait times.

  • Cost-Effective: Saves money in the long run.

Make an Appointment: To learn more or schedule, fill our form and mention “intensive EMDR.”

Online EMDR: We offer online EMDR with remote forms of BLS.

Contact Us: Reach out to Resilient Roads Counseling to see if EMDR Intensive is right for you. Let's begin your healing journey.